Maroon 5浪漫的唱著Sunday morning rain is falling
而現實生活裡的我則是Sunday morning door is knocking

約莫五點半就可以聽到樓下餐廳員工的嬉鬧聲, 伴隨著餐具摔來丟去的聲響, 一度懷疑餐廳是否正上演著官人我要的戲碼

住在一個六層樓的大型宿舍, 一層裡有十數個房間, 每日清晨六點後則是此起彼落的關門聲, 也不知道這些門是哪裡惹到住戶了, 每次出門總要狠狠的甩上它

緊接著六點半到七點間, 陽台旁, 隔壁棟的大型抽風機便啟動了, 它不是一般的抽風機, 它是轟炸機… 沒有誇張, 沒有親耳聽過, 是很難相信一台抽風機的力道可以接近震破耳膜的程度! 第一天在這睡醒的早晨, 一聽到這聲音立即嚇醒, 以為是敵機來襲…

很厲害的設計, 讓住宿的員工不需要特別設定鬧鐘, 也讓你沒有賴床的理由, 盥洗後只巴不得快步離開這個房間

難得一個星期日不想去胡志明, 只想好好賴它一個週日上午, 這是一個簡單不過的願望, 卻難以實現

週日是不會開轟炸機的, 但官人我要及甩門聲是避免不了的

攤在床上依偎著枕頭, 陽光漸漸灑上被褥, 是種享受, 卻得接受無止境的噪音, 再怎麼努力翻滾吧男孩, 起來一看, 不過八點出頭…

很不甘心, 很不情願的坐起身, 決定起床後… 說也奇怪, 所有的聲響竟停止了

這些甩門的住戶們是怎麼了, 完全抓準時間就是了?把人徹底吵醒達到目的後就收手了~

於是Maroon 5的歌到了我耳朵變了樣…

Sunday morning door is knocking
Steal some covers find shield living
Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable
You slam the door when I’m still sleeping
Things just get so noisy living life gets hard to lounge
And I would gladly hit the bed get up and go
That someday it would drive me crazy like this
That someday it would drive me crazy like this

Quiet may be all I need
In brightness noise is all I hear
Rest my bones on Sunday in real
Getting crazy on Sunday morning
And I never want to live like this

Frolic between workers downstairs
Throw dishes with their hands
Back and forth they sway like branches in a storm
Change the sounds still together when it ends

Quiet may be all I need
In brightness noise is all I hear
Rest my bones on Sunday with peace
Getting crazy on Sunday morning
And I never want to live like this

But things just get so crazy living life gets hard to sleep
Sunday morning door is knocking and I'm dreaming to shout
Dreaming someday quiet will come back to me
Find a way to bring quiet home to me

And you may not know
That may be all I need
Whenever noise is all I hear
Where to rest my bones in real


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