
下著大雨的週末夜晚,考慮著到底要不要外出這個無聊的問題,索性看起Flash Forward

忽然一個扣扣的聲音… 跟MSN噹噹噹的聲音截然不同,又扣扣了一次,我看著電腦的視窗,才發現有人用FB敲我

一個超久沒聯絡的美國客戶... 傳了訊息問候,我如果知道到後面是詐騙,我一開始就會先問候她老木了~


「How are you doing ?」

「Wow... Hi~ Such a long time not contacting you... I'm ok, how about you?」

「Am not too good at the moment」


「We are stranded in mugged at a gun point last night」馬上切入主題!

「Oh my God, did you get any help?」說實話,我有點被嚇到… 但是很快的,我覺得奇怪的是,她跑到倫敦去幹嘛?但我也不疑有他繼續問下去

「All cash, credit card were stolen by the muggers during the robbery incident.. It was a brutal experience」

「So sorry to hear about that, did you get any help yet?」

「No… I need your help~」

「How to help you?」講到這裡我已經覺得奇怪了...

「Please I want you to loan us some few bucks to get back home」一看到這句,整個苗頭就不對了

「How to loan you?」講到錢更是奇妙,一個老美找遠在亞洲的我來幫助,還透過FB!

「You can have it wire on my name via Western Union, All you need is my name and present location here. Do you know any WU outlet around you?」他媽的前面打很慢,看我好像要借錢,速度就快起來了

「Why are you there in London?」我已經迅速的拜請孤狗神關於FB詐騙的事... 果然被我查到有類似這樣的詐騙!開始蛛絲馬跡的探問…

「Went there for a short vacation with my family」哇... 全家都在那裡,然後只有透過你的FB可以找到幫助你的人耶~

「U there?」我因為急著實況轉播把訊息轉成文字過來,搞的她緊張了

「Yeah, I'm here, but I can't find a WU outlet here cause I'm travelling with my family as well. We're now in Nauru.」 Nauru… 上網找的,全世界前三小的國家,以呼應她在講三小~

「Can you look for one Online please are looking for one now ?」你聽到Nauru,還可以這麼鎮定的跟我要錢喔?聽都沒聽過的國家哩~

「I'm checking now, btw, how's your husband? Is he going with you?」他媽的你有老公就太扯囉… 我沒跟你這麼不熟

「Yes..he is with me here also..he was hurt on his right hand but getting better now」哇靠… 老公都有了,還受傷哩,我怎麼覺得我比較受傷的感覺

「You can have the money wire via WU Or MoneyGram」持續不斷的加強問我匯錢

「Ok, how much you need?」誘餌放出!


「How many pepole with you? 1,450 is enough for you to get home?」想說再多借你一點啊~~

「Yes, Let me give you my info ?」瞧你急的咧~


「Receiver's Name: Becky Hanish, Location: 30 Leicester Square, WC2H 7LA,London United Kingdom got it ?」挖賽,超專業,連帳戶名都取的跟我客人一樣!

「Got it...」

「How long can you wire the money and get back home ?」一直問錢一直問錢,開始有失專業

「Did your husband remember me? Last time we had fun in Vietnam, we were so crazy... Please say hi to him」為了確保我沒有誤會到原本應該是我朋友的她… 我只好再確認一下

「ok..are you leaving now ?」我他媽的你還幫我打招呼,我最好他媽的有跟你沒結婚的老公去越南玩啦~

「I'm asking my son to transfer it... he is better than me in using this computer stuff...」我有小孩!!

「 your son heading to WU outlet now ?」你真的有屌… 開口閉口都是錢,一開始我還傻傻的信你…

「Amazing for the kids nowadays... he is only 5, but smarter than his father」我小孩五歲會轉帳~ 屌吧

「Are you kidding me ? Please let me know」到底誰在騙人啊~

「Done... he did transfer 3,000 to your account, check it out」我人真好,一次匯三千~

「Are you insane ?」幹,你才瘋了吧

「Why did you say so? I think I can loan you more than you need...」我真是該領好人卡!

「I said via western union」生氣囉~

「Didn't you receive it?」我還認真起來


「God... My son transferred it to your Monopoly account! Please wait a second... Let me punish him~」大富翁帳戶不能通喔??

「U are a Mad Dog for kidding me」惱羞成怒了

「If I were a mad dog, who the hell you think you are? You're married and I was hanging out with your husband in the fucking Vietnam that I've never been there before. Don't even talk about the fucking husband you never had. You fucking moron!」我真的認真的幹瞧回去...

我想… 最無聊的應該還是我,跟詐騙的打字打了這麼多…



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